**also, a disclaimer. I just got a mac, so this is my first post on the mac and I am still trying to learn how to use it. I'm sure it will be a long process with my history of technical expertise (as seen in previous posts:)). haha!
First up is this angel doll. It was made as a gift for a little girl who invited my daughter to a cookie decorating party mid- December. My daughter picked out all the fabrics. I made the doll from scratch and had intended to post the pattern and a tutorial on here. Ah, those good intentions. The doll was about 9-10 inches tall. I must confess (very sheepishly) that after I finished it, I loved it so much that I tried to convince my 4 yo daughter to keep it instead of giving it to her friend (I know, nice. great example of true Christmas spirit). But, my daughter wanted so much to give it to her friend because she knew her friend would love it so much, and she did. I guess sometimes we learn from our kids, but man is it hard to give up some of the things you put your love and time into... anyway, I thought I would make another doll and also a smaller one as an ornament, but never got around to it unfortunately. Next year, next year..... for that pattern &/or tutorial too, next year, next year....
Next up, the fleece Vikings scarf. My husband and son drove to Charlotte Dec. 20 for the Vikings/Panthers game. They are HUGE Vikings fans. So, I made this scarf for my son. Especially impressive to my son was the sewn on Vikings logo which I had printed off the computer on to fabric. It was probably the easiest project I did this season, but one of the most loved! Unfortunately the Vikings did not prevail at this game, but they had a great time and made great memories, which was the point.
Remember in my last post when I said I was going to start on that 3rd quilt soon? Well, here is that third quilt! I actually had to reevaluate what I wanted to accomplish and realize that I was not going to be able to get it all done. (I should add that we have a family tradition of making something for each other for Christmas each year. My kids are aware of this and expect it. Although it's sometimes hard to fit in, it is fun and meaningful and those are the gifts we are most excited to give and receive in our family). So, I asked my son what he would like for me to make for him this year and he said a stuffed animal, so in the end, I went with this. He absolutely LOVED it and sleeps with it every night! Meet Fumy, short for Funky Monster. I did not have a pattern for this, just made it up, inspiration from OllieGeeDesigns etsy shop. It's kind of like a pillow pal type stuffed animal.
And lastly, for this post, was the requested princess dress. So, I had been working SO hard to make this beautiful quilt for my daughter, and then a week or two before Christmas she tells me that she really wants me to make her a Princess dress for Christmas. In my head I was like yeah, ok (making you a QUILT, ok??!!). But then a couple of days later, she was with me at the local fabric store and she went straight over to the thread and promptly picked out a sparkly pink. She handed it to me and said " Here Mommy. You can use this to make my princess dress." So I bought the thread, and added another thing to my already too long to-do list.
I couldn't fathom another trip to Joann's, so I used some fabric & tulle that I had bought with intentions to make her Halloween costume. (there are those good intentions again...) I was a little short on fabric, but made it work the best I could. I used the most recent pattern that I made myself for a dress that I had made for her. You can see that she loved it and it has already gotten a LOT of use.
Next post, I hope to show you the quilt I made for my daughter, and the scarf that I made 8 of for friends and family! Hope you enjoyed, & hope this post turns out ok layout-wise. If not, sorry, and I will work on it. That's one of my goals for 2010, to better my blog! These are all i-phone pics so hope they come out ok. Another goal, to show better photography on my blog. It should be easier now with a mac. ~thanks for reading!
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